Embedding Neuroscience Techniques to Measure Target Engagement in First-In-Human CNS Clinical Trials

Clinical trials for central nervous system (CNS) conditions have historically been notoriously difficult for a myriad of reasons with a failure rate for new drugs being very high relative to other therapeutic areas. This has caused the industry to think long and hard about remaining or entering this space. Yet the need for novel therapies to slow down or halt disease progression has never been more urgent.

Using a variety of neuroscience tools and techniques at the Phase I or first-in-human (FIH) phase of the drug development pipeline, it is possible to gather the data and insights needed to build a detailed picture of the CNS effects of drug candidates. This data can help to build a business case for future CNS clinical trials.

This webinar collaboration between Simbec-Orion and The Science Behind will provide an overview of the utility of neuroscience techniques, specifically electrodiagnostic markers (EDMs), for measuring target engagement in FIH clinical trials. The speakers will use examples to discuss the application of neuroscience techniques to measure and record target engagement and measure dose response in clinical trials investigating CNS-active drugs.

Catch up on-demand to learn about the practical considerations of building neuroscience into CNS clinical trials.

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